To request information on Rachael’s speaking availability and fees, please contact Hannah Larrew with Spellbound Public Relations.
Guest Host Interview with Hope Andersen and Landis Wade of Charlotte Readers Podcast
North Carolina Literary Review feature on Beads
Interview with Survivor Sisters podcast
Interview with Landis Wade of Charlotte Readers Podcast
Listed on Queen City Nerve’s Top 20 Books to Hunker Down With
Contributing article to A Tribe of Women: From Rape Victim to Survivor, Speaker, and Writer
Kirkus Review of Beads
A Chatham Ch@t with Rachael for the Chatham News + Record
Interview with ‘Around the Triangle’ Podcast: Surviving Sexual Assault: author Rachael Brooks & her memoir 'Beads'
A review of Beads on author Katherine Turner’s blog
Interview with Megan Friedman for The Daily Tarheel
Contributing blog post to Honey Organization; Life After Sexual Assault: A Survivor’s Approach to Parenting
Letter to her 7 year-old self, featured on page 33 in For Women Who Roar’s new e-book, Letters to My Younger Self.
Praise for Beads:
“Brooks effectively tells of how broken she felt but also reveals her fierce determination to find normalcy and how her loved ones provided her with unflagging support.
An eloquent and unsettling story of recovery that features solid advice and encouragement for other trauma victims.”
“‘Beads: A Memoir about Falling Apart and Putting Yourself Back Together Again’ is an honest and moving story of survival and renewal. Brooks takes us on a powerful and insightful journey culminating with inspiring and meaningful life-changing lessons. ”
“It’s seldom one has the opportunity to read a book with painfully raw details written with such candor and vulnerability. Yet Rachael Brooks writes her memoir Beads in a way that makes this terrible trauma accessible, meaningful, and memorable. We hear and watch news accounts of #MeToo stories. But Brooks’ book ensures you deeply feel what it’s like to be a victim of sexual assault. There is much to learn from her story. I highly recommend this book, it will stay within you as a stark reminder of the reality of these events, frustrating aftermath, and the bravery and perseverance involved in “putting yourself back together again.”
“In her memoir Beads, Rachael Brooks invites you to accompany her on a hero’s journey she never asked for. A young woman filled with career and relationship possibilities; she is brutally raped on the edges of Washington, D.C. one summer night and for the next four years must figure out her new normal. While navigating horrific obstacles, she is also bolstered by love, trust, and acts of grace. You won’t easily forget Brooks’s haunting images and sharp humor which shapes this honest look of how trauma can bend, but not break a human being. Perfectly paced and full of suspense, Beads grips you from the beginning and won’t let you go.”
Past Events:
Wine & Words with BLOOMHERE via Zoom: Thursday, October 15 at 8 PM
Writing in Recovery via Zoom: Thursday, September 24 at 7 PM
Nonfiction Writing Program via Zoom: Monday, September 28 at 7 PM
Orange County Public Library via Zoom: Thursday, August 27 at 7 PM
Rape and Resilience Virtual Summit: March 23 - 27
Park Road Books: Wednesday, March 11 at 7:00 PM
McIntyre’s Books: Saturday, January 18 at 2:00 PM
Bookmarks: Wednesday, January 22 at 7:00 PM
WRAL News: January 30, 2019
Survivor speaker at "One Billion Rising" event: February 2013, Meredith College
Survivor speaker at “Take Back the Night” at Campbell University
Sexual Assault panelist at NC State University
InterAct of Wake County "Courageous Voices" Tours at the organization: Rachael has given approximately 30-35 testimonial speeches throughout the last three years
InterAct of Wake County featured video speaker for annual fundraising luncheon: 2016, 2018
Twice spoke to new Raleigh Police Academy graduates on "what not to do" for victims who have reported a rape